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"Start living your best life as your best
self with the Steps to Success Wellness Journal
The Steps to Success Wellness Journal has been created with Positive Psychology, the science of well-being and happiness. There is also influence from the Cognitive Theory and Behavioural Science, to help you step up your well-being every day.
Positive Psychology
The Steps to Success Wellness Journal is fully inspired by Positive Psychology, which is well known as the science of well-being and happiness because of its modern scientific approach and study of human flourishing, and applied approach to optimal functioning. 

Positive Psychology focuses on our character strengths and virtues, gratitude, and optimism to help us go from “good” to “flourishing”, so we can thrive in various domains in our lives.

Positive Psychology is also an applied science, which means it involves real-world interventions known as Positive Psychology Interventions (PPIs). They are designed to help us actively improve our well-being. We can empirically measure the success of these interventions and trust they will work as they have been trialed and tested, and are supported by scientific research evidence
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Positive Psychology Well-being Scale
Below is a Positive Psychology Well-being Scale with a Continuum rating scale. Positive Psychology focuses on helping people go from 0 (Okay) to +5 flourishing). Whereas, Traditional Psychology is known for focusing on helping people go from -5 (Low well-being) to 0 (Okay). 
Low Well-being
Traditional Psychology focuses what is going wrong and the negatives, searching for a diagnosis as problems to solve.
Positive Psychology focuses on what is going right, the positives, and how we can make ourselves and life better.
Cognitive Theory 
 Behavioural Science
The Steps to Success Wellness Journal has also been specially designed with influence from the Cognitive Theory and Behavioural Science to help you upgrade your mind and step up your well-being every day.

Cognitive Theory
Cognitive Theory is well known for its focus on how we think as our thoughts have been found to have a powerful influence on how we feel and act. A simple negative thought has the power to manifest into disturbed emotions and behaviors. So, the Steps to Success Wellness Journal has been specially designed to enhance growth mindset thinking to free you from limiting thoughts and beliefs, to achieve greater well-being.

Behavioural Science
Behaviour Science refers to the study of human behaviour through the use of a systematic approach. It focuses on how our emotions and environment influence the decisions we make.  So, the Steps to Success Wellness Journal has also been designed to help you step up your well-being with transformation behavioural upgrades that allow you to thrive in your goals and achieve greater well-being, flourishing and happiness.
Step up your Well-being with the 1st Positive Psychology inspired Wellness Journal
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